Why is it prohibited?
People sometimes ask why certain things in Islam are not allowed, often people have learnt of prohibitions before the basic beliefs of Islam.
The purpose of this article is not regarding proving the existence of The Creator, but rather the reason for why things are prohibited, please refer to the important questions section for proof that Our Creator exists.
The Almighty, The Most Merciful has not prohibited anything except that it is harmful to us, and that its harm outweighs the benefit.
So, if Islam states something is forbidden "Haram" then it is due to its harm outweighing any given benefit.
Some may respond that a certain prohibited item has "proof" of benefit.
Yes, this is true as Allah informs us in The Qur'an that alcohol has benefit but that its harm outweighs this benefit. When we reflect, we see that the hereafter lasts forever, whilst this world is not eternal, therefore we find that our wellbeing should be understood with the priority of our focus being on the hereafter, as paradise is the home of permanent wellbeing. some harms are not necessarily found under a microscope and can harm the soul rather than the body.
Is our desire a criterion for something being good for us?
Clearly, it is not, often children love only the food that is bad for them and if they were left to their own devices would become ill from eating only sugary chocolates.
The core principle of revelation and its prohibitions and commandments is to be ensure wellbeing for creation, not only humans but the natural world also from the birds, bees, to trees and plant life.
Therefore what is truly harmful to the created state of mankind is prohibited.
This does not mean for example putting oneself in harm's way in order to save a life is prohibited rather this is encouraged as the hereafter is also taken into consideration in well-being.
A manufacturer knows far better what is good for its invention than the user, or even the item itself, should we not follow the instruction manual?
The Almighty, Most High, has informed us of the hereafter with its punishment and reward depending on our success or failure in this life.
What The Most Merciful has asked from us, is (regardless of perception or the people who make things difficult for themselves and others) fairly easy.
To pray, fast, pay charity, and to do the pilgrimage, if one is healthy and has enough wealth to do so, once in one’s life. This is not an insurmountable task but is rather in accordance with our nature and is easy enough to carry out. There are concessions for those who are sick etc.
The reward for carrying out these acts of worship is paradise, gardens graced with flowing streams at their incline, the pleasure of our Lord, eternal bliss.
Fruits foods wines and delights eternal.
The opposite lies in wait for those of us who reject.
A fire whose fuel is men and stones of sulphur, where its water is a scolding burning drink that does not quench one's thirst but adds to the torment.